

胡攀峰,香港中文大学传播学博士,新葡萄8883官网AMG新闻系讲师。研究兴趣:社交媒体的使用及影响,媒介与性别,传媒经济。目前正在进行的研究:线上社区与社会网络,青少年虚拟世界福祉,大众媒体与性别。在《Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly》与《International Journal of Communication》核心期刊发表学术论文。邮箱:pfenghu@163.com​部分论文Chan, M.,Hu, P., & K. F. Mak, M. (2022). Mediation Analysis...

胡攀峰,香港中文大学传播学博士,新葡萄8883官网AMG新闻系讲师。研究兴趣:社交媒体的使用及影响,媒介与性别,传媒经济。目前正在进行的研究:线上社区与社会网络,青少年虚拟世界福祉,大众媒体与性别。在《Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly》与《International Journal of Communication》核心期刊发表学术论文。



Chan, M.,Hu, P., & K. F. Mak, M. (2022). Mediation Analysis and Warranted Inferences in Media and Communication Research: Examining Research Design in Communication Journals From 1996 to 2017.Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly,99(2), 463-486.https://doi.org/10.1177/1077699020961519

Chan, M., Yi, J.,Hu, P., & Kuznetsov, D. (2021). The politics of contextualization in communication research: Examining the discursive strategies of non-U.S. research in communication journals.International Journal of Communication, 15, 23.


Zhang, Y. &Hu, P.(2024). How virtual capital mediates the relationship between virtual self-presentation and psychosocial development among adolescents in China. Paper presented at theAsian & Pacific Islander Social Work Educators Association (APISWEA) Conference. Chengdu, Sichuan, China, May 31-June 3, 2024

Hu, P.(2023). Male bonding through shared backstage: An analysis of Chinese Pick-up Artist interactions in Telegram group chats. Abstract presented at the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) Conference, Online, Aug 12-Sep 12.

Hu, P.(2020). Reproducing victim-subject: Performativity of influential personal narratives in China’s #MeToo movement. Paper presented at the 70 th Annual ICA Conference, Virtual, May 21-25.

Chan, M.,Hu, P., & Mak, M. K. F. (2019). Mediation analysis in communication science:

Examining the study of indirect effects in communication journals between 1996-2017. Paper presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) Annual Conference, Toronto, Canada, Aug7-10, 2019.(Top Faculty, Top Methods Paper)

